
Am I the Only One Who Misses the “sleazy” NYC?

Question by Ella: Am i the only one who misses the “sleazy” NYC?
I was just talking with my friend about this, and im only 18, but i semi grew up in nyc in the 90’s and it used to be so dirty and grimy in the most awesome way possible lol… and also my dad lived there in the 80s and 90s and he would always tell me about how different it was…its just kinda sad that now New York is all “gossip girl” and shiny and all that…does anyone else feel this way? bc the rest of my friends don’t at all, they think its awesome.

Best answer:

Answer by Nycgirl92
yes i do i do miss old sleazy nyc im also 18 and i semi grew up here too.

Answer by Lennah
Yeah I am 18 full born native. I remember going out to places like Alphabet City and like my aunt would scream from the window “its eight o clock, come inside before an heroin addict get ya”. Now its pretty boring since our favorite bodega was replaced by some healthy deli place.
I would here stories (parents) about old times square when it was pornp capitol, the city had a huge rock and roll, disco, rap crowd. There was no gentrification every place was gritty. Once LES was taken over I was upset. I think we need to have the old times back.

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