How Many Days Does It Take to Withdrawl From Opiet Abuse?
Question by jamis: how many days does it take to withdrawl from opiet abuse?
loracet 3-5 a day
Best answer:
Answer by Rebecca Jane
You will always have cravings but the detox will take several days and is very dangerous. The degree depending on how heavy into the opiates you were.
Also, to be completely honest with you, the best way to deal with it is to move and start a whole new life with different routines away from any of the fellow abusers that you may have run with in the past.
If you are not willing to put yourself into a program right off(which you should eventually no matter how cured you believe yourself to be) you should try to get yourself a sponser or at least a new clean PATIENT friend who will be there for you to turn to in the case of temptations or just moral support in general. Be very careful in choosing this confidant. Many people believe a former abuser to be the best sponser, but sometimes that person could be tempted into relapse along with you, which supports you the opposite way.
So, all in all, there is no “withdrawal” from opiate abuse, but a detox, and the temptations that will never leave for the rest of your life. Opiates are not only the strongest mental addiction, but physical as well, which can cause many nasty tricks to be played on you by your own body and mind.
I myself have never used, but am a close friend and poor girl’s “sponser”, in a way, to a friend of mine who is currently dealing with her 3rd month clean. So, no sources to give you except 3rd person instigation on the life and the professionals that I’ve spoken with.
Good Luck
Answer by Kevin (a.k.a. novell_mcne)
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