Has Ecstasy Runied My Brain?
Question by Rick H: Has ecstasy runied my brain?
I currenlty took Ecstasy a few times through out the year and at one point i was doing 3 each friday for about 3 weeks. A week after I quit my heads been having twinges of pain going around different parts of brain and my brain is reallly not picking up things like it should everyday seems like a blur and I cant even learn eneything anymore. I didnt write this to be judged I am just scared.
Best answer:
Answer by candface1
why would you buy somthing that will slowly kill you yes it will hurt you. and it will make you age you need help
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Heroin Withdrawal: Bridgette Andersen’s last movie before she died of a heroin overdose
A clip of the rarely seen 1987 movie “Too Much”. During her brief career, Bridgette starred alongside many of my favorite actresses. She played the daughter of Meredith Baxter, the stepdaughter of Joan Collins, and the granddaughter of Betty White. This was sadly her final performance before her death. Many sites claim that Bridgette later appeared as an extra in 2 TV shows and one commercial, but she cannot be identified in any of these parts. It is very likely that these 3 jobs as an extra were actually other women who happened to have the same name. Bridgette died in 1997 but the last 10 years of her life are a total mystery. Her friends and family have refused to release a single photo of Bridgette taken between 1988-1997.
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