
'An Addict With Friends'

'An Addict With Friends'
But even with the rise in fatalities, the rate of heroin-related deaths remained lower than it was for most of the previous decade, and other measures — visits to emergency rooms or self-reported use in the last year — remained well below mid-decade …
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Heroin Overdose Death Rates Explode Across VA
No matter their path to heroin, all users say the same thing: "Once you start using the needle you're never going to go back," echoes Capria Turner, a heroin addict and inmate at Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center (NRADC).. Officials say …
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For Heroin Treatment, Testing A New Drug And 'Peddling Hope'
But, Cummings acknowledges, it's early. Barnstable does not yet have any numbers on Vivitrol recovery rates, and there are no long-term studies. The drug was just approved for heroin addiction treatment in 2010. Doctors aren't sure how long patients …
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