
Heroin Addiction: HUNTINGDON: How Football Is Helping Drug Addicts Kick the Habit – Hunts Post

Heroin Addiction: HUNTINGDON: How football is helping drug addicts kick the habit – Hunts Post

Hunts Post

HUNTINGDON: How football is helping drug addicts kick the habit
Hunts Post
Steve Woodford battled with a heroin addiction for 17 years, and spent 10 years behind bars for drugs-related offences. But since being released from prison in October last year, the 38-year-old says he is forging a path to recovery and five weeks ago

Heroin Addiction – Google News

Heroin Addiction: From drug smuggler to man of God – South Wales Argus

From drug smuggler to man of God
South Wales Argus
BRIAN Morris has come a long way considering just 15 years ago he was feeding a £100-a-day heroin addiction and facing a 12-year prison sentence for drug smuggling. But it was while behind bars that he found the strength to turn

Heroin Addiction – Google News

Heroin Addiction: Fried by the Sky – Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Fried by the Sky
Sydney Morning Herald
News and heroin addicts might endeavour to subsist on the good stuff but the need for a fix will see standards drop. News junkies think they are better informed than most but information has next to zero correlation with knowledge and knowledge is far

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Heroin Addiction – Google News

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