
Heroin Addiction: Man’s Fatal Overdose Prompts Warnings of Heroin Rise –

Heroin Addiction: Man’s Fatal Overdose Prompts Warnings of Heroin Rise –

Man's Fatal Overdose Prompts Warnings of Heroin Rise
"We hear from at least two, maybe three families a week who have a person actively using in their family," Roska said, referring to heroin and opiates. "Some come in and get treatment for themselves." Heroin users also appear to be getting younger,

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Heroin Addiction – Google News

Heroin Addiction: Heroin use in Boulder shoots up – Boulder Weekly

Boulder Weekly

Heroin use in Boulder shoots up
Boulder Weekly
“Most of our heroin-related events take place in the city of Boulder,” Hartkopp says. “For whatever reason, the city of Boulder seems to have a more significant concentration of heroin users as opposed to the county. That could be because of the

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Heroin Addiction – Google News

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