
Man Sentenced for Dealing Heroin – Marshfield News-Herald

Man sentenced for dealing heroin – Marshfield News-Herald

Man sentenced for dealing heroin
Marshfield News-Herald
I'm a drug addict. And drugs have ruined a lot of relationships with family, and trust. … No matter what sentence you give me, I feel like I have a life sentence anyway because I know my actions have led to the death of my friend, and to problems for

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Heroin Addiction – Google News

EDITORIAL: Heroin crisis demands a better treatment system – Cambridge Chronicle

EDITORIAL: Heroin crisis demands a better treatment system
Cambridge Chronicle
For years, experts and officials have warned of an alarming increase in the abuse of prescription drugs. The worst of these are opioid-based painkillers like Oxycodone. Those drugs are highly addictive and relatively expensive, and many who get hooked

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Heroin Addiction – Google News