
Mother Shares Story of Sons' Heroin Addiction

Mother shares story of sons' heroin addiction
BOONE CO., Ind. (WISH) – A central Indiana mother is sharing her story, as she deals with her twin sons' heroin addiction. Sherry Perkins says she's hoping to help other families, by explaining what her family has been through, in the past few years.
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Does Calling Heroin Addiction A Brain Disease Help Avoid Tragedies Like Philip
But that does not mean addiction is a brain disease, or that a heroin addict must accept that view to benefit from the substitution. It is even less plausible to suggest that naloxone will work to reverse a heroin overdose only if you adopt Sheff's …
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“Mom, I'm a heroin addict. I need help
Who's going to support a judge with a drug addicted daughter? But her first concern had to be her daughter. And the judge had more questions than answers. How does a seemingly perfect child get hooked on drugs? And who is selling heroin to these kids …
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