New US Drug Survey: Marijuana and Heroin Increasing
New US drug survey: Marijuana and heroin increasing
Overall, illicit drug use remained stable from the 2011 survey results: About 24 million Americans older than 12 said they were current drug users in 2012, about 9.2. percent of the U.S. teen and adult population. The full report, which was published Sept.
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'Graceland' Creator Talks Heightened Finale, Fan Fiction and Previews Season …
We've already learned a fair amount of the death of the girl he loved, his heroin addiction. That stuff was all laid out to USA and to their credit, they said, "Go for it." When you think USA Network, you don't necessarily think heroin addiction. I was …
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Lionel Richie offers Billy Ray Cyrus parenting advice
"Honestly, there is no control." Nicole, 31, struggled for years with drug addiction, but is now a successful clothing designer, wife and mother — proof that it does get better, Richie says. "(Miley) is just going through a period in her life and we …
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On TV: Alan Alda wants to get inside our brains
And I thought this one about how drug addiction affects the brain was pretty interesting: <!–iframe–>. Brains on Trial airs Sept. 11 and Sept. 18 on PBS at 10 p.m. ET. (Check your local listings for station info, etc.) It looks like it should offer …
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