
Officials Meet With Attorney General to Kick Ohio's Heroin Addiction

Officials Meet with Attorney General to Kick Ohio's Heroin Addiction
I talk to kids in schools and not one of them says 'I want to grow up and be a heroin addict or a prostitute. We all have bad … Find valuable information about buying your next car, including price quotes and your latest automotive news. WKEF …
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My Turn: Legalizing marijuana poses a serious risk to public health
As the New Hampshire Legislature prepares, yet again, to consider legislation to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana, I am reminded of the quote from H. L. Mencken “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong …
Read more on Concord Monitor

Increased Use of Anti-Overdose Drug May Give Addicts False Sense of Security
Time Magazine's website quotes Nora Volkow, PhD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, saying Narcan, also called naloxone, should be more widely available as an antidote to narcotics because it will “save lives.” However, well meaning …
Read more on PR Web (press release)