
What Addictions Does the APA Recognize as Actual Addiction Disorders?

Question by Michael Brian: What addictions does the APA recognize as actual addiction disorders?
I know technically anything can be an “addiction” but I’m trying to find a list that the APA has put out that lists the actual addictions someone can be diagnosed with.

Best answer:

CDA assists smokers kick the habit
According to Chairman Marketing and Communications for the Central Drug Authority (CDA), Peter Ucko, hypnotherapy has not been shown to be an effective method of curbing smoking but nicotine replacement therapy including sprays, gums and patches have …
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Thousands share my character's addiction
And Zoe admitted she had no idea how widespread prescription drug addiction was until producers urged her to research the issue on the internet. She told TV Biz: “Before this storyline came up, painkiller addiction wasn't something I knew much about …
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