
Can Acid Reflux Symptoms Be Confused With General Anxiety?

Question by munhasen5: Can acid reflux symptoms be confused with general anxiety?
I had an intestinal blockage about 7 years ago. They basically had to pump my stomach and remove all of its contents and anything in the intestines. Shortly after that I felt everyday and ALL day a general feeling of anxiety. Everything in my life was going fine, but there it was…this ever present tension….really bad tension. I have been going to a psychiatrist for the past year and he has prescribed me lorazapam and diazepam along with a myriad of anti-depressants. While they anti-axiety meds seems to work temporarily even the max dosage the doctor would allow wouldn’t get the me through the day.

The only “medication” that help get rid of everything was kratom…but is can be very addictive and very expensive since it’s not found at the local drugstore or pharmacy. Most doctors have no idea what it is.

And most of the general public have never heard of it. It is a plant grown in South East Asia, and while it is NOT an opiate is acts like one, but is not as strong. However, the strongest form of kratom (Ultra Enhanced Indonesian) has the worst withdrawal symptoms…much like heroin.

When I’m on kratom the anxiety and depression (though I really don’t think I have depression…just a withdrawal from the “euphoria” from the kratrom) disappear completely….while it is active in the body.

Strangely enough my question is whether acid reflux, which is something I think I got when I had my stomach and intestines pumped (with all of the acids flowing on my esophagus) can feel similar to anxiety? I never had acid reflux disease so I really don’t know what it feels like, but if it is similar to regular heartburn, but lasting all day long, then maybe I should be treated for that and not anxiety?

Any thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by hem
even i have this anxiety issue and i take this pill called Anxit.

it really helps but now i’ve had to increase the dosage from one initially to four now.

so i got concerned and started researching a bit on how to do it without the pills.What i came up with is this advice that involved 3 things to do:

– get lots of omega-3 fatty acids into your body as it is not excessively produced by the brain but is required by the brain to keep it functioning properly.You can find it in a variety of foods but since it is time consuming to go after those specific foods i started taking fish liver oil in capsule form.

– get enough sunlight and do brisk walking for half an hour a day.

– lots of fruits and vegetables and less fried stuff.

i have been doing this for only 2 weeks now and i see a slight improvement.
maybe you should try it !