
Is Marijuana Addictive and What Are the Long and Short Term Affects?

Question by prison break fan: Is marijuana addictive and what are the long and short term affects?
Also what are the consequences in a legal sense if u get caught?

Best answer:

Answer by the_kid21186
Yes, it is addictive. And for the long and short term affect. Click on the source I had given you. It will tell everything you want to know.

Answer by * Deep Thought *
Yes it is,
short term – you loose your short term memory, experience an highly increased appetite, thus making weight gain a big side affect, and experience slow mobile skills.

long term – you can never get tch (chemical found in weed) out of your system, you lips and eyes darken permanently, and you waste an incredible amount of time (and your life) being high.
(Some like to call it “deep”…. yeah “deeply slow”)

Heroin Town Hall Meeting – Part 1 – Part 1 of Town Hall Meeting Held to discussion the growing heroin problem in Marion – Held Feb. 4, 2013.