
Monthly Injection Fights Addiction – Fox News

Heroin Withdrawal: Monthly Injection Fights Addiction – Fox News

Fox News

Monthly Injection Fights Addiction
Fox News
Too few of those who struggle with addictions to alcohol and opiates—like heroin and oxycodone pills—are aware that a monthly injection is available to significantly reduce their cravings. The injection is extended-release naltrexone

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Psycotropic drugs like caffeine in coffee should not be regulated – Daily Sundial

Daily Sundial

Psycotropic drugs like caffeine in coffee should not be regulated
Daily Sundial
Substances such as cocaine, ecstasy, crystal meth and heroin have all been declared illegal for their dangerous and addictive properties. Similar drugs, namely alcohol and tobacco, are legal but regulated by the government for commercial use.

Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin Withdrawal: Salvation or a slippery slope? – Vancouver Sun

Salvation or a slippery slope?
Vancouver Sun
Stories of accidental overdoses, of pills being diverted to the street and ground up and snorted or injected like heroin, are spurring calls for a new war against prescription drugs – one experts fear could make the tragedy of under-treated pain in

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Heroin Withdrawal – Google News

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