
Poppy Dream

Poppy Dream
I felt my eyelids flicker once or twice and then slam open. My heart was … The familiar heroin withdrawals had also started. It was dark but I … This half grain was all I had left from the previous day's script and was only enough to remove some of …
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Boy killed after state left him at home
The police report said the infant sustained a skull fracture, internal bleeding, and leg fractures consistent with shaking or jerking. He was bruised about the head, indicating he was struck multiple times. A lens in his … After the newborn twins …
Read more on Boston Globe

Faith healing: tackling addiction cold turkey
A year ago, Wun Naung Lay left his village in northern Myanmar to look for work and found heroin instead. Today, the skeletal 25-year-old is locked … Detox begins in the Special Prayer Room, as the bamboo cell is called. New arrivals are locked in …
Read more on Myanmar Times