
What Can I Do to Relieve My Withdrawal Symptoms From Pot?

Question by baldo: What can I do to relieve my withdrawal symptoms from pot?
Well first of all i’ve been a pot head for over two years it started slow and it went gradually worse. Now I smoke several times a day and it’s becoming a hassle for me at work as well as in my pocket i’ve made a drastic decision to quit pot and I tried smoking less, but it only makes me want more it’s become my sleeping pill if I don’t smoke enough I won’t be able to sleep well. I need a remedy I need to quit.

Best answer:

Answer by Ben
start smoking your own home made cigarettes and slip a little pot into the tabbacco here and there

Answer by cbeaux
Here’s what you do; you get some responsibility and someone that is relying on you for their everything. You become an adult and make wise decisions based more on whats best for your family and less on what seems like fun at the time. I am an ex pot head that still loves weed. I haven’t smoked in almost ten yrs because a future was in order to achieve my goals and aspirations. You can do it with just a little will power.