
I Need Help Passing My Drug Test?

Question by ballag: i need help passing my drug test?
i have a job interview coming up and i have to take a drug test, yes i smoke weed the last time i smoked was on new years eve, please help me

Best answer:

Answer by Awesome
I hate to be the one to tell you, but the only thing that really works is to drink a BOATLOAD of water (8+ glasses per day….I know it’s more than you feel like you can take, but it’s the only way), excercise with wild abandon (we’re talking at LEAST an hour a day of pushing yourself to your limit), and avoid things that slow your metabolism, like heavy foods and “downers.”

Answer by The Ugly Truth
The people who are telling you to drink water, want you to fail.

Water does not work, it never works, and it’s also not very safe either to drink huge amounts of it.

Don’t waste your money on those internet drinks either. The idea that they are undetectable is a big lie.

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