
Saint John Methadone Program Highlighted at Conference

Saint John methadone program highlighted at conference
Methadone is a drug used to help control the withdrawal symptoms from opiates. Another key player in pushing methadone treatment in Saint John is University of New Brunswick Professor Timothy Christie. Christie is the director of ethics for the …

Bitter Pills
For one thing, he's the only pediatrician in the state who prescribes Suboxone, a brand name of the drug combo buprenorphine and naloxone, which is used for treating long-term opiate dependency. But there's a more compelling reason, say many people who …
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Police blame crimes on heroin addictions
It can be a particularly troublesome cycle with heroin and narcotic pain pills, such as oxycodone. The opiate addictions come with sickening withdrawal symptoms. Those side effects can make addict increasingly desperate. State Police Sgt. G.N. Losh, …
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