
Police Say Heroin Is a Local Crisis

Police say heroin is a local crisis
Low prices and easy access have led to a troubling comeback of the addictive drug heroin, area officials said Monday, with police officials and social workers scrambling to frame responses to the problem.
Heroin Withdrawal – Yahoo News Search Results

CDC: Prescription drug abusers are turning to less-expensive heroin to stave off ‘dope sickness’
Over the past three years, deaths from prescription drug abuse have far exceeded those from traffic accidents in California and several other states, making opioid dependency in particular an epidemic in the United States, according to experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
Heroin Withdrawal – Yahoo News Search Results

Heroin Overdose: WHAT IT DOES TO THE FAMILY – Lynsey Painter. Born March 14th 1987. Lynsey was a great person, she had a huge heart and cared and loved everyone. Lynsey died from a Heroin overdose May 11…